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Tesla Gold Series Ultra

Tesla Gold Series Ultra model comes in a silver alloy case that can stand up or can be wall-mounted. The Ultra model protects an area up to 90 metres in every direction. The Tesla Gold Series Ultra model can be used to protect you wherever there is high powered microwave radiation. This may be emitted from cell phone tower antenna masts (within 100-250m) or nearby smart meter grids. This is ideal for many homes, workplaces and hospitals. For schools, the Cube is recommended.

Tesla Gold Series Ultra is at least 2 times stronger than the Cube. It is recommended for use where high powered microwave radiation pervades the local vicinity.

WARNING: The Ultra model may be too strong for EHS people due to discomfort in detox effects from EMF, so please try the Cube first before pursuing the Ultra model. Talk to your representative before purchasing.
This new multi-wave scalar waveform configuration offers protection from radio frequency radiation. Some people will experience a minor detox while initially using this product, and some will not. This may be due to the release of stress on the body from EMF and also the immune system may normalize.
We recommend you purchase a Tesla Gold Series Chrome Portable model to carry with you when you are away from your home or office. This will maintain a level of protection when away from your protected zone.

The plug may not go all the way into the socket this is normal and will have no effect on the performance or function. Forcing the plug into the socket may cause damage. Forcing the plug causing damage to the socket is not covered under warranty.


  • Designed for living and working areas where a high level of microwave radiation exists
  • Coverage 90m in every direction
  • Wall mounted Alloy case with a low profile
  • Size 140mm x 40mm x 10mm
  • Weight 360g
  • Uses multiple scalar waveform outputs
  • Great for homes and offices where EMF is extreme
  • Extra protection from microwave radiation
  • May reduce fatigue associated with EMF
  • May promote emotional stability
  • May enable restful sleep
  • May increase energy levels
  • Comes with 12V power pack

Tesla Gold Series Ultra



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