The most advanced Iridology program available today. Twelve subjects taught by Toni Miller. ND DHM MII CCII3 Iridology fellow.
- Iridology Essentials - the complete foundation.
- Consititutional Iridogy. 3 colours, 6 structures, 11 diatheses.
- The collarette
- The pupil and its border
- The Sclera
- Advanced pigmentation
- Transversals
- Lacunae morphology - how to identify pathological predispositions
- Emotional precursors on specific organs and tissues
- The Cerebral sector
- Diameters in the iris (learn about the physical and emotional significance of 22 variations and general recommendations on supplements, herbs and lifestyle options to support your clients.
- Time risk. Imagine being able to pinpoint the exact age at which traumas occurred, unlocking new dimensions of understanding in your clients’ health journeys.
Its not just the twelve certificates and one diploma you earn - its the confidence you will gain being taught by one of the most experienced Iridology authorities. Toni has been teaching since 1983. You will have access to Toni as you study at your own pace in your own place.
Workbooks supplied as two hard copy manuals plus 9 PDF files.
Earn 70 CPE points
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$4,988.00 Regular Price
$3,491.60Sale Price