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What is Iridology?

Wht s Iridology?

Iridology historically


Iridology is not new. The first recorded sources of iris analysis reach back as far as ancient Babylon. An ophthalmologist, in 1813, unaware of these old views on iris analysis, wrote in his publication ‘Textbook of Eye Disease’, “Everything that affects the organism of an individual cannot remain without effect on the eye and vice versa.”


​Iridology is the study of health via an examination of the colour and structure of the iris, the sclera and the pupil.

The iris is the most complex external structure of the human anatomy. It has a reflex connection to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the nervous system. Through the optic nerves, which are attached to the eyes, visual information is sent to the brain. At the same time there is information sent back to the eyes from the brain about the state of the organs and tissues in your body. It has been said: “the eyes are the windows of the soul”.


There are no two irises exactly alike. In fact, each iris is as individual as your fingerprint. This fact has seen security companies utilizing equipment developed for personal identification through the eye (Biometrics). The colour and pattern of the iris fibres will determine underlying inherent weakness, which may or may not be activated according to diet, environment and psycho-social factors.


Iridologists assess colour and fibre structure variations to determine the constitutional strength of the physical body, as well as aspects of personality, which can be influenced by conscious and subliminal emotional patterns.


Iridology can be used to determine potential health problems at the earliest stage. This enables you an opportunity to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness. Iridology is almost as old as civilization. Cuniform writings indicate the eye was used in health assessment as far back as the time of Tutankhamen (Egypt around 1400BC). Some of the first written recordings of iris assessment come from the Chaldeans over 3,000 years ago.


Classical iridology. Hippocrates – the “Father of Medicine” made the statement “Behold the eyes, behold the body”. Philippus Meyens was the author of the book “Physiognomia Medica” in which he assigned parts of the iris to specific areas in the body. He wrote “the upper part represents the head. The right side of the eyes shows the state of all organs inside the body which lie on the right side, such as the liver, the right thorax and the blood vessels. The left side of the eyes can show all organs which lie on the left side, therefore the heart, left thorax, spleen and small blood vessels. Conditions of health are found here, especially weakness of the heart. The lowest part of the eyes represents the genitalia, kidneys and bowels.” Meyens also recognized the influence of the intestinal tract health on the brain.


What is Classical Iridology


There are various versions of a young boy struggling with and eventually capturing an owl. During this struggle, the owl’s leg was broken and Ignatz von Peczely noticed a marking at 6 0’clock. His memory of the marking had him embark on a thesis to establish the possibility of there being a connection between iris topography and the human anatomy. Years Peczely became a medical doctor. He was able to further confirm his theory on his many patients and eventually developed the first Iridology chart. Unfortunately he died disappointed in that he could not answer many questions he had stirred but today we are thankful for his efforts – giving us a foundation on which to build further. We honour him as the “father of Iridology”.


There have been many contributors since his passing including Paster Emmanuel Fleke, Rudolf Schnabel, Josef Deck and Joseph Angerer. All pioneers in their own way but bringing Iridology into the notice of medical doctors throughout Europe. Eventually this teaching reached the United States, firstly through Henry Lindlahr, then Dr J Haskel Kritzer who wrote “Iridiagnosis textbook: Guide in Treatment”. This book is still available and provides the reader an overview of Iridology in the early twentieth century.


The most famous English speaking Iridologist studied with and advanced Kritzer’s teaching. I am speaking, of course, of Dr Bernard Jensen. Dr Jensen wrote two classic texts - the Science and Practice of Iridology Vol 1 (1952) and Vol 2 (1982).


His contribution to Iridology is outstanding. He taught audiences all over the English speaking world what he understood about the subject including structural change and colour reversal through detox programs. He developed a huge following of devotees, many of whom still teach as they learned from their mentor. 


Many of Dr Jensen's teaching have not lived up to clinical scrutiny and over time this has led to disillusionment and even abandonment of Iridology.


In the 20th century, doctors and scientists from the United States, Europe and Australia brought Iridology into worldwide recognition. In the last twenty years, Iridology has been widely researched in areas such as the constitution, pigmentation, and the sclera. This non invasive method has been used by many orthodox doctors in Germany, Russia, Italy, Greece and other countries as a reliable form of diagnosis. This is largely due to its reliability in the detection of function and disease. There have been many contributors from all over the world who have expanded our understanding of the intricacies associated with Iridology assessment.

What is Int Irid

What is Integrated Iridology?


What started out as an intense study of the physical elements of Iridology developed into a multi faceted understanding of the emotional and mental connections of each eye sign and the intimate relationship that exists between the iris and the soul. 

Spurred on by the motive to clarify the truth about what Iridology reveals, thirty five years of clinical experience offered ample opportunity to challenge difficult concepts, refining and testing and where necessary, revising understanding in line with clinical evidence. 


Today people are in need of preventative health care and less complex methods of analyzing the condition of their health. 


Integrated Iridology is a non-invasive, economical and painless means of looking into the body, which may be utilized in conjunction with any other system of analysis or diagnosis available.


It can be used a screening tool to detect inherent individual predispositions. The iris is a unique representation of inherited health dispositions of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents.



  "Whether you develop your dispositions to the best or worst case scenario depends on the way you eat, drink, think, live and love" 



Prevention is the supreme goal. Integrated Iridology assessment is an effective screening tool that enables us to identify each person’s specific nurture points. This enables people to accept the responsibility of taking care of themselves. Our goal should be to use Iridology to assist each person to be the best version of themselves they can be.

Iridology understanding will advance forward as long as we continue to research and to question. I encourage all Iridologists to test Iridology for yourself. Put it to work for you in your clinic. Therein you will find the true value of Iridology - a revealer of the true self.

Toni Miller. Naturopath, Herbalist, Master Integrated Iridologist, Iridology Fellow.



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